Having been at the club for the best part of two months now, our 2017 draftees are starting to adjust to life as an AFL footballer.

Hawthornfc.com.au caught up with each of our first years to see how they're travelling and to ask all the hard questions.

Here's James Worpel's take.

Catch up: Q+A with Dylan Moore


Q. How have you found pre-season so far?

A. It’s been really good. It’s been tough, but the Club looks after us well. We don’t do all the running straight away for instance, so it’s those little things that keep us young boys fresh.


Where are you looking to play this year?

Probably more of a midfield role with a few stints up forward.


Strengths as a player?

My contested ball, tackling and my pace out of stoppages.


Areas that you are looking to improve this pre-season?

My kicking and my marking have been my main two areas I’ve tried to improve.

Goals for the year?

I don’t have too many goals yet. I’ve probably just tried to fit in with the group as best as possible and get those relationships with other players down pat. But, obviously, every player wants to be playing senior footy but that will come with good form in the VFL and things like that.

Someone at training you've tried to follow around?

Yeh, I’ve probably stuck around Jaeger O’Meara a bit more than most. He’s a similar position and obviously a very good footballer. So, I’ve learnt heaps of stuff off him.


Best advice/instruction you've had since arriving at the club?

The best advice I have received so far is probably just to ask questions and never be afraid to ask questions. It’s a whole, new environment for us draftees, so we shouldn’t be afraid to get stuff wrong. It’s going to take time for us to know a lot of these things, we’re not expected to know everything on day one of walking into the club.

How have you found Alastair Clarkson so far?

He’s an absolutely genius, I reckon. He’s probably one of the best coaches in the history of the game. He is a bit of a…. nutty professor… but yeh, he is very good!



Living circumstances: Are you still living at home/ who are you living with- how are you finding Melbourne?

In my first two weeks at the club, I lived with Luke Breust. Then, after Christmas, I moved into Park Orchards with my host family.


Any nicknames Hawks fans should be aware of?

Mainly just ‘Worps’. Maybe a bit of ‘Worpedo’.


Do you have a celebrity crush?

Probably Alana Blanchard, the surfer. Yeh, she’s pretty nice.


What are your hobbies outside of footy?

Surfing would be the main one when I’m home, and I do a bit of fishing as well.


What is your biggest fear?

I don’t really like spiders that much. Or at all, really.


What would you be doing if you didn’t get drafted?

I would probably still be working at a winery. I finished Year 12 in 2016, so I had my first year out of school last year where I worked at a winery. So, I would probably still be working there.


If you were a superhero, what would your name and superpower be?

My superpower would be teleportation and time travel. And a name….. I have no idea. Maybe just stick with Worpedo!