The club is still surging towards our completion date of the Kennedy Community Centre in the second half of next year.

There is lots happening at the main Harris Elite Training and Administration Facility, including the structural steel being installed on both levels.

Meanwhile, as mentioned in last month's update, the aquatic zone works are continuing, which includes testing of the hot and cold pools.

Over at the AFLW Oval and Community Pavilion, excitingly, the primary concrete structure is now complete.

Given the calendars have now flicked over to spring, we look forward to making strong progress as the weather warms up.

  • Aerial view of the Harris Elite Training and Administration Facility.


  • Progress on the Community Pavilion and AFLW Oval


  • Reverse view of the Community Pavilion and AFLW Oval


  • Aquatic zone works are continuing 


  • Structural steel on the Harris Elite Training and Administration Facility being erected.