IT'S not easy to get a game when you're an inside midfielder at a club like Hawthorn.

But while he waits in line behind the likes of Sam Mitchell, Brad Sewell and Jordan Lewis, Hawks rookie Tom Schneider is trying to learn as much as he can.

If the 19-year-old's prolific ball-gathering performances at Box Hill this season are any guide, the apprenticeship is going well.

Schneider spoke to

Tom, tell us about where you grew up and how your passion for footy started.

I grew up in Blackburn, and started playing footy at Blackburn Football Club, which is where dad played all his footy. I played all my junior footy down there. I captained a premiership side in under-16s, and then went to the Oakleigh Chargers in my first year of under-18s. I played a couple of games for them and then got glandular fever, which put me out for a few months and then I couldn't get back in the team. I went back the next year and had a good season, and ended up playing with Vic Metro.

So you had glandular fever in your first year at Oakleigh, and did you then get osteitis pubis in your second year?

It was a bit later in the year, a couple of weeks before finals. I was playing school footy at that stage as well, which was on a Tuesday. So I was playing two games a week, which was a bit too much. I wasn't training during the week and just going out and playing on the weekend. I did that for the last two weeks of the home and away season, and then all the finals. It meant I didn't do any of the physical testing at draft camp, just the interviews and mental stuff.

So you'd been Vic Metro's best and fairest player at the national carnival, been named All Australian, but hadn't been able to do the testing at draft camp. How were you feeling about your prospects going into the draft?

I wasn't really confident. I'd spoken to a few clubs and been given some positive feedback, saying they thought I'd get picked at the national draft, but it didn't end up happening, obviously. But I was lucky enough to get picked up in the rookie draft.

Did you know Hawthorn was going to take you in the rookie draft?

I'd spoken to [Hawks recruiter] Graham Wright, and he'd said, 'just keep doing everything right for the next couple of weeks'. So I had a feeling they were going to pick me up.

You barracked for North Melbourne as a kid, but Sam Mitchell was a player you looked up to, wasn't he? What was it like to land at the same club as him?

It was a massive thrill. And he's still mentoring me at the moment, so everything's going really well with him. He's a great bloke.

What does the mentoring involve?

I go through my tape with him after every game and he gives me a few tips. And during training I tag along with him. So I'll always go in the same groups and drills.

What have you learnt from doing that?

A lot about stoppages. Just positioning and that sort of thing. And I've been getting tagged a bit at Box Hill this year, so he's given me some tips on how he deals with it, and what he does to try to break a tag.

How have you dealt with getting that hard tag every week?

I kind of struggled with it early on, because I wasn't used to it. Going through juniors at Oakleigh, [West Coast's] Andrew Gaff was in the side, so he was getting the main attention. But I'm getting used to it now, and speaking to 'Mitch' and getting a few hints from him has helped me out a fair bit.

How are things going at Box Hill? The team is in the top eight at the moment, but it's tight. Do you like your chances for the rest of the year?

We've got a good side when we play our best footy, so we're pretty confident we'll make the finals. We've been a bit inconsistent.

And what about your senior aspirations? You had a run in the NAB Cup both this year and last. Did you feel comfortable at that level?

I wasn't outstanding or anything, but I thought I held my own considering it was my first real crack at it. I know it was only NAB Cup, but I felt like if I needed to make the step up, I reckon I could still play my role in the team. It's just getting the chance, because obviously the team is going so well at the moment.

Have you felt like you've been on the cusp of getting a call-up at any stage this year?

I had a good little four-week period earlier in the year, and 'Clarko' (Hawthorn coach Alastair Clarkson) talked to me and said, 'you're doing really well, but with Sewell, Lewis and Mitchell, there's not quite a spot there for you at the moment'. That was understandable, and it was good that he recognised how I was going. I haven't been an emergency yet, so I haven't really been that close. I'm just biding my time. A lot of the older guys have said, 'Mitchell and Sewell aren't going to go on forever, so just keep playing well at Box Hill level and keep trying your best'.

Do you think the gate's now shut on an AFL debut this year?

Yeah. I'm thinking more about making the finals with Box Hill, really.

Do you know what's happening next year yet?

I've still got to work that out with the club. That'll get done in October. There'll be some nervous times.

Some non-footy questions.

You're on Twitter. Who's your favourite person to follow?

I like Matthew Lloyd, because he's so controversial.

Which of your teammates offers the least on Twitter?

Sam Grimley. He's horrendous. It's just nothing but rubbish from him on Twitter.

Do you follow any other sports?

Yeah, I follow the soccer really closely. I'm into the English Premier League and the Euro, and all that kind of stuff. Arsenal and The Netherlands are my teams.

Did you play soccer as a kid?

Yes, I did. I played soccer on a Saturday and football on a Sunday. I made the state league side in the league I was in, which was a lower grade, but I went to Queensland and played in a tournament and all that kind of stuff, so I was pretty into it.

Why did you end up choosing footy?

I just enjoyed it more. Plus I probably thought I had a better chance of making it in footy than in soccer.

Have you been watching the Olympics?

A little bit. I'm looking forward to the track cycling. That's my favourite event.

Which of your teammates could have made it to the Olympics, and in what sport?

I'd say Luke Lowden in equestrian.

What would you be doing if you weren't playing footy?

I just started a real estate course, so if that goes alright, that might be the go if I don't get a contract at the end of the year.

 What do you do on your days off?

Not much, really. Go out for lunch. Relax and recover.

What's your favourite movie?

The Shawshank Redemption.

Favourite TV show?

The Real Housewives of Orange County.

What about music?

Justin Bieber. That's no joke, either. I actually love him. I've seen his movie too. I haven't seen him in concert yet, but that's the next step.

Last one. Who do you live with?

I'm still at home. There is a plan to move out, but I'm on a rookie wage at the moment so it's kind of tough. If I get another year [at Hawthorn], I reckon next year I'll probably move out, but it's so convenient and it's so much easier with washing and dinner and all that kind of stuff. I guess I'll figure all that out next year, depending on how everything goes.