Upgraded cameras and the addition of 'Extreme Super Slow Motion' cameras at every ground will be a feature of the new AFL Review Centre (ARC) that will be trialled this September.
There will be a minimum of three 'Super Slow Motion' cameras, including a minimum of one 'Extreme Super Slow Motion' camera, at every stadium set to host a finals match over the next month.
It will enable score reviews the most clear and precise means of correcting or confirming contentious on-field decisions throughout the finals period.
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The advanced cameras are part of a multi-faceted ARC process set to be used this September, which will also involve club doctors, the umpiring department and Match Review members to trial potential enhancements for football operations.
The other significant difference from the current score review process, used throughout the home and away season, will be a direct line of communication from the ARC through to both the broadcaster and the stadium explaining the rationale behind each decision.
Previously, fans had only heard score reviewers confirm their decisions via the broadcaster or seen the decision displayed on the scoreboard at stadiums.

The ARC will feature 10 people at a time, including two supervisors, working across three different pods throughout the finals series.
The score review pod will feature two members, the 'Hawkeye' operator and the official score reviewer, who will communicate their decision to the main supervisor.
The Match Review and medical pod will feature three people, including an operator and Match Review Officer Michael Christian. He will investigate incidents as they happen in order to speed up the Match Review process.
"It just makes everything so much more efficient," Christian told AFL.com.au.
"We get to a situation being at the game, watching it live, where we can make sure that a lot of incidents that we'd ordinarily clip that look like they could be a charge, we can dismiss them if need be on the spot so it's not carried over.
"By the same token, we've got the opportunity to look at all angles of a particular incident and make an adjudication almost instantly and on the spot, which is fantastic."

That particular pod will also involve a doctor, who will be in charge of spotting potential concussive symptoms from players and will have a direct line of communication to the benches of both teams.
The final pod will feature an operator and two members of the umpiring department, who will be in charge of coding, tagging and reviewing decisions for future training. That particular pod will have no impact on the games in which they are reviewing.
While the League's football operations manager Steve Hocking has full faith in the system, he has detailed there is a back-up option in place should things go awry.
"I've got absolute confidence in the team that has put this together," Hocking told AFL.com.au.
"We do have redundancy at all of the venues, so we've got back-up. The normal structure and system sits at the stadiums that are involved.
"But all of the decision-making will come from this centre here."
The ARC has already enjoyed a successful trial throughout select games in round 23.