Having been at the club for the best part of two months now, our 2017 draftees are starting to adjust to life as an AFL footballer.

Hawthornfc.com.au caught up with each of our first years to see how they're travelling and to ask all the hard questions.

Here's Dylan Moore's take.


Q. How have you found pre-season so far?

A. It’s a lot of tough work and different to what I’m used to, of course, being a full-time environment. But I’m loving it. It’s good to come in and train and play football.


Where are you looking to play this year?

I have been playing that outside midfielder, wing role. But also spending stints in the forward line.

Areas that you are looking to improve this pre-season?

I’m looking to put on a bit more size just to be able to compete on the inside a bit more.


Strengths as a player?

My strengths would be endurance, courage and footy IQ.


Goals for the year?

It’s just to develop as much as I can. If I get a senior game that would be awesome, I would love that. But it’s more about development and building those relationships firstly.


Someone at training you've tried to follow around?

Playing that wing role, I have played on Isaac Smith a few times at training. I’m just trying to learn off him as much as I can.


Best advice/instruction you've had since arriving at the club?

The best advice I have had is just to build relationships and connections, not just within the side but throughout the club as well.


How have you found Alastair Clarkson so far?

He’s a genius I reckon. You can tell why he is regarded as one of the best coaches of all time. The way he interacts and the way he communicates, you can tell he is a genius.




Living circumstances: Are you still living at home/ who are you living with- how are you finding Melbourne?

Yeh, I’m a local boy so just living at home with the family.


Any nicknames Hawks fans should be aware of?

Just ‘Morale’ and ‘Moorey’. Just the usual, nothing fancy yet.


Do you have a celebrity crush?

Steph Claire Smith. There’s a few of us around here who like her.


What are your hobbies outside of footy?

Probably golf, I enjoy that.


What is your biggest fear?

Sharks for sure- I hate them!


What would you be doing if you didn’t get drafted?

I’d just be at uni, studying Commerce Finance.


If you were a superhero, what would your name and superpower be?

I think time travel would be my choice. But I’m not sure about my name, I may have to get back to you on that one.