Anne-Marie has been a proud, passionate and paid-up Hawthorn member for over thirty years, having developed that slogan for the club. Following her work with the successful Operation Payback, Anne-Marie went on to serve on the Membership Committee for many years. Anne-Marie has been a sponsor of both players and coaches and a member of the coterie groups Tucky’s Ton, Confreres and most recently Inner Hawks. Match day will find her at the President’s Function with the family rarely missing a home game. With her long-standing knowledge and respect of all things brown and gold, Anne-Marie is well placed to chair the History and Tradition Committee.

Outside of football, Anne-Marie has a busy medical practice as a peri-operative physician at the East Melbourne private hospitals, as well as St Vincent’s Public Hospital. She graduated MBBS from University of Melbourne and holds specialist qualifications in both Intensive Care Medicine and Clinical Pharmacology as well as a PhD in cardiovascular medicine. Her medical expertise will be well utilised in her work on the Integrity Committee.