With the Ricoh Centre bathed in sunshine and the smell of Spring just around the corner, Hawks players hit the training track for the final time before heading to Sydney to take on the Swans on Friday night.

With finals on the horizon, the players were in good spirits, voices were up and some jokes were had as the coaches put them through their paces.

View photos from the session below.

Taylor Duryea wants to get back into the side, putting his best foot forward.

Brad Sewell is back in form and feeling good.

Josh Gibson, Ben Stratton and Brent Guerra were up to something, playing the Aussie version of bocce?

Good to see this man out on the track after sustaining an ankle injury last week.

Sewell pushes off Grant Birchall and charges towards the footy during a drill.

The Coach pulls his troops in for a quick word.

Eyes on the footy all the way from Brendan Whitecross.

Buddy wins the battle over David Hale who finds the funny side of it.

You better pick it up quick Shaun Burgoyne, Poppy is coming after you.

This is how you hunt the footy says Luke Hodge.

Buddy on the lead flies for a mark.


Paul Puopolo and Luke Hodge look for a teammate up field.

Buddy looks, then releases with his left.

Hello world? It's Gibbo calling.

All smiles at Hawthorn.