The Australia Post Indigenous Kids Carnival was held at Waverley Park on Thursday 23 August to promote fitness and healthy living amongst Victorian children.

Approximately 200 children representing eight schools around Melbourne took part in the carnival. The carnival was kicked off by Hawthorn Premiership player Peter Knights who welcomed the schools and introduced Hawthorn’s players involved in the program, Chance Bateman, Mark Williams, Lance Franklin, Brent Renouf, Travis Tuck, Clinton Young and Matt Little.

The kids were divided into their age groups and were allocated to four different stations on the oval. Each station was run by two players and different skills and drills were taught to the kids.

The final activity for the day was a handballing and kicking competition. The players chose 10 children from the group who performed well during the day to compete in the competition. Each school was represented in the competition and had the opportunity to win either $1000 or $500 towards sporting equipment.

The day ended with a BBQ lunch and an autograph signing session. Each child also received an Australia Post show bag.