Saturdays result was a tribute to, and recognition of the four pillars the Club has adopted from our first trip to New Guinea, when many of the players and coaches walked the Kokoda Track;  courage, sacrifice, mateship and endurance.

All four elements were on display for all to see during the game against Adelaide.

Each of we spectators and the players when re-living the game will be able to recall a passage of play that clearly fits one, or more of those pillars.

It was a wonderful result, especially after our shocker against Sydney. I must admit I was not overly confident of success on Saturday, but one of our players correctly reminded me that "we always bounce back after a poor performance, we never want to leave our reputation tarnished" How right was he!

Such an important game, so much at stake, as the business end of the season really started.

For our retiring Captain Richard Vandenberg, another feather in his and the teams growth. There will be plenty of time to recognise Richie's wonderful contribution to the Club, but that will come later, as there is still unfinished business for he and his colleagues to address next Saturday against North Melbourne.

Just as we bounced back from defeat, the Kangaroos will be looking to bounce back against Hawthorn on Saturday. So we focus on next weeks game, for it is clearly the most important we have faced this year. It will be a hard tough contest.But we have the coaches and players to rise to the challenge. We take nothing for granted, we respect our opponents, but we have to be better on the day.

How can we help them achieve our mutual goal of a victory? Be there at the game!

I have said before how I have observed a significant increase of the brown and gold being worn by members and supporters at many of our games this year. So was it on Saturday. Hawthorn supporters were there in there droves, and vocal in there support of our players efforts. And just as vocal at some of the umpiring decisions.

Several of the players I spoke to after the game in the rooms told me how they felt the support from the stands. It was important in helping them lift to meet the challenges that were constantly thrown at them by Adelaide during the game. Who knows it may have carried us over the line.

So please, start planning now to attend Saturday night’s game. Make an effort to get every Hawthorn supporter you personally know to attend, wear carry or wave something brown and gold. But just be there!

There are no guarantees in life, you have to work hard to achieve your goals. What we have done this year is already history, and in one sense meaningless. There is no point coming second in any race. I know, I have been there several times. And it ain't fun.

Be assured everyone and everything we are doing at the Club right now is directed at supporting our team to succeed.

See you at the game on Saturday

Go Hawks

Jeff Kennett
President, Hawthorn FC