The Hawks Museum has witnessed many a good news story and Trevor Thompson’s from Norlane who happens to work at the Cat’s Bistro at the Geelong Football Club is a great one.

In 1979, Trevor at the age of 15, a very keen Hawk fan was living in Warrnambool.  He became very ill with leukaemia and had to travel regularly to Melbourne for treatment.  By chance, one of his school mates was friends with the Moncrieff family in Melbourne and they arranged for their son, Hawks star Michael to visit Trevor when next in Melbourne for treatment.  Moncrieff then went one better, he arrange for Trevor to come and watch training at Glenferrie and meet all his football heroes. 

It was a cold winter’s evening but Trevor braved the elements and stood at the entrance of the race watching the players train.  To help keep him warm Moncrieff gave him a Wynvale dressing gown to wear.  When training was over and in the warmth of the Locker Rooms, Moncrieff presented Trevor with a HFC Annual Ball Program autographed by all the players which included a get well message written by Moncrieff.  To Trevor’s ever lasting joy, captain Don Scott rolled up Moncrieff’s dressing gown, shoved it in a paper bag and presented it to Trevor.

Thirty years on, Trevor contacted the Hawks Museum to see if the HFC would be interested in receiving the dressing gown and autographed program.  With a strong affirmative replay, it was arranged to meet Trevor at his work place, the Geelong Social Club where he is employed as a popular bar attendant enjoying the repartee with patrons what with his love of the Hawks and football. The ardent Hawk fan was delighted to hand over his two treasures and chat about how good it was serving drinks at the bar after the Hawks 2008 premiership. 

Moncrireff’s dressing gown can now be seen as part of the Trainers display at the Hawks Museum.