HAVING played just 12 games in his first three seasons with the Hawks, 22-year-old Tom Murphy has already racked up 10 matches in a 2008 season which is seeing him prove his worth as a regular fixture in the club’s best 22.

He cites encouragement from the club’s resident coaching staff as a key to his development in the senior side.

“Last year I was disappointed that I didn’t end up playing more games (four) but at the end of the year I sat down with Alastair Clarkson and the coaching staff and they and I thought I’d improved as a player even though I hadn’t played many games,” Murphy says.

“This year it’s been great to get games and be part of a winning team. I’ve had my opportunities and I think that I’ve taken them. To have the coaches say ‘we’re happy with how you’re going and keep trying to improve’ has been really good.”

Murphy believes confidence gained from this ongoing support network has been crucial to him securing more senior game time.

“You need to be able to back your skills and take risks. I’ve had a bit more confidence this year to take the game on and play attacking footy,” he said.

“There were times last year when I took the conservative option because I was afraid to make a mistake and wanted to stay in the team. But for us to be a team that’s going to go places and win finals in the years to come we’ve got to be a team that’s willing to take risks. Hopefully I can keep improving on that.”

The 22-year-old defender says the closeness of the Hawks’ young playing group makes for a happy atmosphere at Waverly.

“We’re very close. We’ve only got a couple of players older than 25 so there’s a whole bunch of us between 18 and 24 years old. We all get along really well. It’s almost like being back at school,” he laughs.

But he admits that due to the young age profile of the majority of the Hawks’ list there is a slightly ageist attitude creeping into the club ethos.

“It’s ridiculous really to think that someone who’s still under 30 could be classified as old but that’s just the nature of our club,” he jokes.

Murphy admits that the “older” players do serve a purpose though.

“The older guys will often invite us over for dinner which is good.”

So who’s hosting the next big culinary social event?

“Trent Croad just bought a new house so he says he’s going to have all the boys around for a house warming. I’m pretty sure that he’s not going to cook, I’m thinking his wife will. He thinks it’s a big event but the guys are just keen to get a free feed,” Murphy chuckled.