The Cotton On Foundation, the charity arm of the Cotton On Group, has teamed up with 12 inspiring Australians who have designed a range of t-shirts to encourage young people to talk about depression.

In support of beyondblue: the national depression initiative, The Talk About It campaign in October aims to reduce the stigma associated with depression and anxiety, and encourage young people to look after their mates.

If they’re concerned, they shouldn’t put off talking to a friend who may be going through a tough time.

The unisex Talk About It t-shirts are $24.95 each and are available in Cotton On stores across Australia from Monday 4 October.

Each t-shirt will come with information about where to seek help for depression and anxiety, and $10 from each sale will help fund beyondblue research into depression and anxiety in young people.

The celebrity designers include choreographer and performer Matt Lee (So You Think You Can Dance), model Rhys Uhlich (Make Me a Supermodel), Neighbours actor Ashleigh Brewer (Kate Ramsay), Geelong AFL footballer Cameron Ling, Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles NRL player David “Wolfman” Williams, and DJ/record producer Grant Smillie.

beyondblue Deputy CEO Dr Nicole Highet says depression and anxiety are among the most common mental health problems experienced by young people.

beyondblue is pleased  to be working with Cotton On - their support will help us continue research to improve treatments and find new ways to help young people experiencing depression and anxiety, wherever they may live in Australia,” she says.

Around one in five young people will have experienced depression and/or anxiety by the time they become adults.

“The important thing to do is Look, Listen, Talk and Seek help together,” Dr Highet says.

“Be observant, listen to what your friends are saying about how they’re feeling and talk to someone who can help.”

You can find out more about depression and anxiety at or by calling the beyondblue info line on 1300 22 4636.