The Traralgon South fires on Black Saturday caused eleven people to lose their lives, 220 to people to lose their homes with hundreds more properties damaged by the fires. As part of our ongoing support to the people impacted by the Black Saturday bushfires in Traralgon South, we are asking Hawks supporters to help us give them what they want and need most at this point in time – tools.
The task of rebuilding is not an easy one, and with many properties losing everything including the tool shed, it has been an arduous task. What they need most at the moment are items like spades, forks, shovels, wheel barrows and chainsaws.
We are asking all members and supporters who are in a position to donate to this cause, to bring along any tools that they can spare to the Super Saturday training session at Waverley Park on 23 May.
It’s important that the tools are useable so please be sure to donate items that are in working order – preferably metal rather than plastic. We’re posting a full list of items on the m.a.d.woman website – to help you with your
Combine your passion with compassion at Super Saturday and join us in supporting the Hawks and the people of Traralgon South.
Super Saturday
Saturday 23 May
Waverley Park
Auskick 9am, other activities from 9.30am
As always, membership and HawksNest merchandise will be available and the Hawks Museum will be open.
If you cannot attend the training session but would like to assist and donate a tool for Traralgon South please contact the Club’s community department on