SUNDAY was a really disappointing way tolose – you'd rather go down by 100 points in some respects than be beaten withseconds remaining, but that's what occurred against Port Adelaide down inTassie.

Although we were bitterly disappointed withthe result, there were several positives we could take out of the match. I'msure if we ever get into that type of situation again we'll handle it a lotbetter. We've certainly learned from that match.

Port Adelaide has some premiership playersand they knew how to handle that situation better than us, although having saidthat, the match wasn't won or lost in that last piece of play when Brett Ebertkicked the winning goal.

The Power are the No.2 scoring team in thecompetition behind Geelong and although we couldn't slow them up in the firstquarter when they kicked six goals, we were able to control the game and stymiePort Adelaide's opportunities in attack after quarter time.

Defensively, it was a good effort to slowthe Power down, although we didn't capitalise on the scoreboard as much as wewanted.

We had some solid performers in the match.Brad Sewell did a fine job on Shaun Burgoyne and down back Campbell Brown was very good on Ebert forthree quarters.

Clinton Young also gained plenty of footyand was a fine contributor.

We thought we had lots of opportunitiesthroughout the day to put the game away and we simply didn't take them, but wenow move on.

I was fascinated to read in one of thepapers after the match that we had "slumped" from second to fourth.Well, that's still not a bad position to be in, I reckon.

We can't get down on ourselves. We've donethe review on it and it should stand us in really good stead for future games,and we're now looking forward to taking on the Western Bulldogs this round.

It's a great opportunity for us. We playTelstra Dome well and we look forward to taking on the Doggies. The Dogs haveplenty of quality throughout their team with the likes of Brad Johnson, JasonAkermanis, Scott West, Luke Darcy and Robert Murphy – all match winners ontheir day.We've got to be on our guard to beat them.

On Monday, Hawthorn achieved a great coupwhen it was announced Chris Fagan would join the club. I've had a lot to dowith “Fages” over several years when we were both at Melbourne. He was an assistant coach at theDemons before heading up their football operations. We always look at bringingpeople with good character into the club and Chris is of the highest quality. Hewill bring a lot of experience to Hawthorn, having been Neale Daniher'sright-hand man for 10 years, and he'll bring a wealth of knowledge to ourgroup.

I'm sure all of the coaches and playerswill gain an enormous benefit from having Chris at the club.