OUR WIN over Adelaide on Saturday was one of the best I'vebeen involved in.

The emotion in the box at the end wasfantastic and from a non-playing point of view, it was certainly a highlight.

I was lucky enough to play in a few finalsfor Melbourne,including a grand final in 1988, but the highlight for me was the 1987 finalsseries. That year, the Demons made the finals for the first time since 1964 andit was also my first season at the club.

But I have to say, from a personal perspective,our win on the weekend was right up there with the '87 finals series.

Reflecting on the dying stages, we always thoughtwe were still right in the game.

We had some momentum and came home prettystrongly, but some late shots at goal from Chance Bateman, Jarryd Roughead andJordan Lewis did make us think we might've missed our opportunities.

But we managed to create a turnover when Adelaide kicked the ballon the full, so we were able to have another crack at it, which worked outreally well. We'd learned a fair bit from our loss to Port Adelaide recently, whenwe just lost down in Tassie. This time, the boys kept a cool head and we wereable to kick the sealer via "Buddy" Franklin.

It was a great effort from"Buddy". To kick seven goals in a final is an amazing effort from a20-year-old. I also thought Shane Crawford was the one player who kept us inthe game with his run throughout the middle. He played one of his best gamesfor the year.

Richie Vandenberg's effort on Andrew McLeodwas marvellous. McLeod is such a crucial player for the Crows and Richie heldhim to just 12 touches. Luke Hodge was also inspirational. When he came offhobbling we thought we were in trouble, but to see him come back on andcontribute was outstanding. His spirit almost willed us over the line.

Chance Bateman also played well and wethought Joel Smith did a pretty good job on Brett Burton, who had torched uspreviously up forward. Campbell Brown also kept Mark Ricciuto goalless.

This weekend we take on the Kangaroos inanother do-or-die battle.

All the coaching staff and a number of ourplayers watched the Roos on Sunday and we witnessed a very, very good Geelong team. The Roosare a much better team than what they showed on the weekend and we're expectinga very spirited Kangas line-up against us on Saturday night.

Last time we played the Kangaroos, theyknocked us off in Tassie and they finished fourth at the end of thehome-and-away season – a tremendous credit to them – so we'll have the utmostrespect for them in our semi-final clash.

At this stage of the week, it's still alittle bit early to see what will happen at match committee. Ben McGlynn,Xavier Ellis and Travis Tuck are all in consideration; Zac Dawson is waitingfor his opportunity if a defender went down, and Brent Renouf is also itchingfor a chance should one of the ruckmen be unavailable.

So we're in a good situation and we havesome good players ready to step up, if needed.