Day 4

Tuesday 8 December
Templeton’s Crossing to Efogi, 18km

The players were divided into groups today and given stretchers with a weight of around 70kg to carry them to the top of Mt Bellamy. This gave the players a real indication of some of the weight the soldiers had to continually carry.

From Templeton’s Crossing it was about an hour and a half of uphill climbing to Kokoda Gap, a split in the range where small aircraft used to fly and the lunch stop.
The group then faced a gradually steep climb to the top of Mt Bellamy, the highest point on the trail at 2190m above sea level.

Camp was set up at 5pm at Efogi Village, the halfway point of the trek, where the group spent time playing games with the local children.

Stay posted to for daily updates from the track!

Kokoda tracking 2009