Outgoing President Jeff Kennett bowed out with grace and style, handing over the reigns of the Club to successor Andrew Newbold at Hawthorn's Annual General Meeting at Hawthorn Town Hall on Wednesday 14 December.

Kennett warmly introduced each member of the Board and thanked them personally for their contribution to the Club during his tenure.

He also spoke gratefully of Hawks' staff and CEO Stuart Fox, of whom he approached from the Geelong Football Club.

"Stuart was chomping at the bit to be CEO.

"We are very luck with Stuart, and with all of our staff, in that they are all very qualified and good at their jobs," Kennett said.

Kennett touched lightly on the disappointment of Geoff Lord's presidential campaign which saw him withdraw from the running leaving no election necessary.

The outgoing President was glowing in his handover to 2012 President Andrew Newbold, whom he whole-heartedly endorsed throughout the entire campaign. When Newbold was introduced, his first response to Kennett and the crowd was "Jeff, you're no longer the boss."

Kennett continued to thank the players, coaches, staff, members and supporters on what has been an outstanding personal achievement for himself and wrapped up by saying "Remember: Wherever we are, whatever we do, we will Always be Hawthorn."