Over 47 days Hawks Senior Coach Alastair Clarkson will share his thoughts on each player on the Hawthorn list - from guernsey number 48 to 2.

What Clarko says

48. Will Langford

Welcome to all Hawks supporters as we prepare for the 2012 football season.

This summer series will feature my thoughts on all of our players - one each day for the next 47 days.

Today, Boxing Day, we'll look at Will Langford who wears the number 48 guernsey. He's a lad that's been at the Club for 12 months now, recruited through the NSW scholarship program Will was originally a Sydney boy. Also obviously the son of Chris Langford who was an ex Hawks captain, 300 game player and a premiership player on four occasions as well.

Will's not too disimilar to his father, he's an outstanding athlete and that's one of the first things that impressed us about how he went about his footy as a junior. He needs to add little bit of bulk to his frame, he's reasonably slight at this point in time, he copped a couple of injuries throughout the course of 2011 playing for the Box Hill Hawks but we think if he adds three or four kilos over this summer and more weight over the course of the next 12 months to two years he'll provide us with some real ability in our back-end of the ground. He's got plenty of dash in the way that he plays and with his blonde hair he's a standout in the back-end.

We think with plenty of progress and development over the next two years he'll develop into an outstanding player. So look out for the number 48 in 2012 - Will Langford.

Visit hawthornfc.com.au tomorrow to read Clarko's thoughts on new recruit Adam Pattison - guernsey number 47.

What are your thoughts?

Leave your comments on Will Langford alongside Clarko's and fellow Hawks fans below. What are your early impressions of Will Langford? How do you see Will developing in 2012?