Hawks supporters Ben Flavel, Matt White and Steve Polak review the Elimination Final between Hawthorn and Adelaide.

Matt White reflects on the EF1
- 'Darl, what do you think of the name Lance'?
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Steve Polak reflects on the EF1 - 'We all know the feeling. . . '
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EF1 review: Ben Flavel - Wow, I repeat wow!

I’m not sure I can do this game justice by describing it in mere words, but I’ll give it a crack. It is now Sunday morning; the morning after. The original plan was to put this report together last night, but I’m not sure I fully believed what had just happened and if I did, I was drowning in a pool of superlatives, couldn’t decide which ones to use and all I managed to scribe was pure dribble. Is there such a word as magniawesoriffic?

Sure, I could go on about what a great day it was, about how I shrugged off a head cold to meet up with my bro, the doc and the “footy chicks”. I could go on about the intricacies of the game, the ebb and flow, the missed opportunities to seal the game in the final quarter. But who cares about all that? If you’re a Hawthorn supporter, you would have watched it. If that wasn’t possible for some unfathomable reason, buy a copy. Or call me, ‘cos I just taped the replay.

I have decided to give my take on the individual match winners for our club, as I viewed it from Aisle 37, Row E, Seat 7:

Lance “Buddy” Franklin
Oh….my….God. The season this guy has produced, the talent this guy possesses. After Buddy put us in front half way through the last, only to find ourselves 3 points down at the 29 minute mark, there was a feeling deep inside all at the ground that a little bit of “Buddy-time” is what it would take. From where we were sitting, we had the perfect view of the kick. To see that ball sail through the posts and 35 thousand Hawks supporters jump to their feet is something I will take with me to the grave. 

Shane Crawford
They say that in the heat of finals, the cream rises to the top. And this man is all cream. Creamy cream of the creamiest kind. Shane “Creamy” Crawford, you were the engine today and inspirational to the end.
Luke Hodge
The man’s man. Came off with a dodgy knee, returned and did what he did in the second half! He is buttery cream; creamy, yet tough.

Jarryd Roughead
I’ll start by saying that he has the most aptly descriptive last name since my year 10 Home Ec. Teacher, Mrs. Kitchen. And to frame that rough head? A mullet. I know we are trying to recapture the spirit of Hawthorn in the 80’s, but isn’t that taking it a little far Roughy? Despite that, you were the difference in the first half. Especially down the shady end where, being a red-head, you no doubt felt a little safer.

Ritchie Vandenberg
If you were looking for individual brilliance from Ritchie today, you were missing the point. At first glance, there wasn’t much to view. Then you realise that you haven’t seen much of Andrew McLeod and it hits home. Ritchie played a blinder!

Grant Birchall
The poise this young man shows at such a tender age is phenomenal. I think I saw him cough up a ball in round 8 this year and that was it. Was sublime yesterday, especially in the dying minutes when we needed him.

Campbell Brown
Watching Browny play, you feel sorry for his opponent. Yesterday, you also felt sorry for the goal post (did you see this man sprint off the ground after crashing into his knee?). Never fails to inspire.

Brad Sewell
Gets the ball in the middle of the thickest traffic and he still manages to find a way out. His improvement this year is one of the main reasons I am afforded the opportunity to write this article. Sewelly, I know you drink your coffee at Woodstock on High St Armadale, like me. I’ll be buying you one tomorrow, so ask for it behind the counter. Feel free to sign the used cup, so I can capture the DNA for cloning and then frame the thing for prosperity.

Trent Croad
He was fantastic all day, but Croady gets a special mention, as he left me with the most lingering moment of the day. After the match, we on the wing were going nuts when Croady strolled over, clenched his muscles and soaked it all in with the rest of us. Some goose ran on the ground, so Croady lifted him in the air. My spine still tingles at the memory.

Every man contributed on the day, but I am short on words to describe them all. Mitchell, as always! Lewis really got us going in the first quarter. Changa was courageous, Ozzie was important, Laddo was smooth all day and ‘Silky’ Smith was, well, silky. Both ruckmen gave their all and eventually got on top when it counted. Let’s not forget Young Clinton. His work in the second half, especially that goal!

Sure, I could gone on about what a great day it was, but what’s the point? You all know! You all have your own postcards imprinted on your brown and gold brain. This is just my twist on it all and a mere snippet at that. I’m Hawthorn and I’m proud! I’m at a loss to put yesterday into words! So I’ll use exclamation marks! And lots of them!
You’ll see me at the “G” next week…heck; I’ll be buying my tickets at 9am tomorrow!

Go Hawks!

Ben Flavel


Check out other Hawk supporter reviews Steve Polak and Matt White

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    * The Hawks raised $1,500 for HSBCkids after kicking 22 goals against Western Bulldogs.