Hawks Pride
Hawks Pride aims to provide an inclusive LGBTQIA+ supporter group that welcomes and embraces all members of the community.
The group will host regular social events, watch games together and connect with the club.
The group was created by three die-hard Hawthorn Football Club fans in 2017. The group welcomes members from diverse sexuality, gender and cultural backgrounds.
Hawks Pride will join with similar groups at other AFL clubs to form a collective organisation to represent LGBTIQ AFL supporters.
If you would like to sign up as a Member of the Hawks Pride supporter group, click here.
Facebook: facebook.com/HawksPride
Twitter: @HawksPrideGroup
Insta: @hawks.pride
We are the female Hawthorn FC members, supporters, and friends, you do not have to be an HFC member to become a Thornbird!
This year we proudly celebrate 45 years involvement with our Football Club.
We run various social and fundraising activities during the year – day, night, and weekends where possible, so everyone can join in.
The Thornbirds have a Glenferrie Gold membership with the Hawthorn Museum; our own paver under the John Kennedy statue and will do any other donating or fundraising as required by the club.
We currently sponsor four players in 2024 with Will Day, Josh Weddle, Will McCabe and Hayley McLoughlin.
Join the Thornbirds next Saturday April 13 for an afternoon of fashion and fun! Click HERE for more details.
If you're interested in becoming a member for 2024 YOU CAN FILL OUT THIS FORM HERE.
MEMBERSHIP: $50 is the annual fee which includes discount to our functions, regular newsletters, and other benefits.
You do not have to be a member to attend our activities, but members do receive a discounted rate to attend functions.
COFFEE MORNINGS: We meet regularly for morning coffee on the LAST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH (except public holidays) from March through to November at: Box Hill Golf Club – Bistro 202 Station Street Box Hill 3128 Please feel free to join us at 10.15am - $12 for coffee and cake in a relaxed atmosphere.
February 2024 - VIEW IT HERE
December 2023 - VIEW IT HERE
Thornbird's President's Report 2023
Thornbird's Treasurer Report 2024
Lyn Sutton
Contact: 0409 863 211 or 9877 4927
Email: suttonfam@bigpond.com
Australian Supporter Groups - contacts and live screenings
WA Hawks
Where: Coventry Pavilion, 243 -253 Walter Road West, Morley, WA, 6064 www.coventrypavilion.com.au
Contact: wahawks@iinet.net.au
Facebook: WA Hawks group
Twitter: twitter.com/WA_Hawks
SA Hawks
Where: Club Marion (Room 2 -upstairs), 262 Sturt Road, Marion
Contact: hawkssa.inc@gmail.com
Facebook: Hawks SA group
Canberra Hawks
Where: CSCC, Woden
Contact: canberrahawks@hawthornfc.com.au
Facebook:Canberra Hawks group
Sydney Hawks
Where: "The Alex", 35 Henderson Road, Alexandria https://merivale.com/venues/the-alex/
Contact: sydneyhawks@hawthornfc.com.au
Facebook: Sydney Hawks group
Brisbane Hawks
Where: Pineapple Hotel - Main Bar, 706 Main Street, Kangaroo Point
Contact: brisbanehawks@hawthornfc.com.au
Facebook:Brisbane Hawks page
Twitter: twitter.com/BrisbaneHawks
Tassie Hawks
Where: The Talbot Hotel, 131 Newtown Road, Newtown
Hobart Contact: Brett Archer – brettthehawk@gmail.com or 0400 846 394
Launceston Contact: Malcolm Hales - tassiehawks@hawthornfc.com.au
Facebook: Tassie Hawks Hobart group or Tassie Hawks Supporter Group
Live Screenings:
Darwin Hawks
Where: Globies Bar, 97 Mitchell St, Darwin
Contact: darwinhawks@hawthornfc.com.au
Facebook:Darwin Hawks group
Twitter: twitter.com/DarwinHawks
Sunshine Coast Hawks
Where: Woombye Hotel, Blackall Street, Woombye
Contacts: Grant Palethorpe and Jenni Irving
Facebook: Sunshine Coast Hawks group
Mildura Hawks
Where: Gateway Tavern, Mildura
Contact: Barry Cain - barrycain108@gmail.com
Facebook: Mildura Hawks group
Bendigo Hawks
Contact: pbpg@bigpond.com
Facebook: Bendigo Hawthorn Supporters Club

International Supporter Groups - contacts and live screenings
Jakarta Hawks
Where: Sports Lounge at Eastern Promise, Jl Kemang Raya No 5, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Contact: geoffreygold@footballdynamics.com
Facebook: Asia Hawks Network
Twitter: twitter.com/jakartahawks
Singapore Hawks
Where: London on Boat Quay, 55 Boat Quay, Singapore
Contact: singaporehawks@gmail.com
Twitter: Singapore Hawks
London Hawks
Where: Jetlag Sports Bar, 125 Cleveland St, Fitzrovia, London, W1T 6QB
Contact: Richard Tucker - londonhawks@live.com or +44 7450 042 598
Facebook: London Hawks group