Despite a second consecutive year of challenges and uncertainty, Hawthorn Football Club has managed to achieve both football operations and consolidated net operating surpluses.
Importantly the club achieved a football operations net surplus of $255,747 for the financial year ending October 31 2021. The football operations are the key indicator of club’s financial position and does not include the club’s investments, foundations and consolidated revenue.
Hawthorn President Jeff Kennett expressed the club’s gratitude to its members and partners in helping the club maintain its financial independence amongst the challenges of 2021.
"Off the field, the club is in a strong position. This year proved to be another challenging one for our club, but I am immensely proud of the way we have again been able to navigate through these encounters and continue to ensure our financial independence,” Mr Kennett said.
"We were pleased to see crowds back at both the MCG and UTAS Stadium this year and we look forward to this happening more in 2022. So, we thank each and every one of our incredible 77,079 members who stood by us this season.
“The club is also extremely appreciative of all our commercial partners for their continued support throughout another season influenced by the ongoing effects of COVID-19. The club has been able to attract several new partners on board throughout the season which is a further sign of our strength as an organisation during this unprecedented environment.
“On behalf of the Board I would also like to thank the Hawthorn staff and playing group for their ongoing efforts to ensure this club remains strong in an ever-competitive industry.”
Hawthorn CEO Justin Reeves echoed Kennett’s sentiment of gratitude towards the Hawthorn membership base while pointing to the club’s exciting future with the development of the Kennedy Community Centre.
“The amazing support of our members as well as our donors, sponsors and corporate partners has allowed us to continue to grow towards the most transformational project in our history, the Kennedy Community Centre.
“With our focus of continuing to improve the connection of our football club to the community, we’d also like to thank our community partners for their support in the second year of the Hawks Community Foundation.
“Given the challenges of the past two years, it has been especially pleasing to see ongoing growth across all areas of our business.”
Key points of the report include:
- The club had a Football operations net surplus of $255,747 for the financial year
- Consolidated net operating surplus of $1,715,481 for the year ending 31 October 2021
- The club membership base was at 77,079 for 2021, another strong year from our loyal members
- Hawthorn’s consolidated net asset position increased to $55.2m from $54.4m in 2021
- The club’s consolidated cash position increased to $30.9m (2020: $26.6m) at 31 October 2021
- HFC Foundation received donations of $886,038 towards the Kennedy Community Centre facility project during the year