With the 2023 home and away season now finished, we caught up with Assistant Coach David Hale to get his review of how each Hawks midfielder performed this season. 

Jai Newcombe

“Jai had a pretty good year. He was named in the All Australian extended squad which was a great reward for the level of progression in his game this year. As we know, he is really tough inside. He advanced his ability to find the ball, while also increasing his clearance and first possession numbers. I think everyone watching him play would say he is pretty dynamic in the way he goes about it. He just ticked over the 50-game mark, he’s got a really solid foundation now, hopefully he’ll have a good summer now to go into that top echelon of midfielders in the comp.”

James Worpel

“Worps produced a really good year. He had a really strong summer, he came back from his shoulder surgery, attacked the pre-season and off that back of that had a really consistent year. He got back to what makes him a good footballer by being tough inside. He really aimed to try improve his damage from the inside to out with his use of skills. His handballing and kicking outside the contest is really important too and he really improved that part of his game. As a young midfielder he is a really important figure in setting the standard in there with Nashy, Jai and Daysy. He’s back to the level that he won a best and fairest at. I’m really happy for him and his progression this year.”

Will Day

“Daysy had a really strong year in what was his first season as a midfielder. It was clear for everyone to see that he has got really great attributes as that inside player. His footwork, his footy smarts, how clean and tough he is, are all understated. That quartet of four (Day, Newcombe, Nash and Worpel) really set the standard in terms of consistency, they played a lot of footy together. Daysy has that versatility, we played him a few times behind the ball, he was able to kick some goals late too. With the understanding now required for a midfielder, we’re really excited about what he can do.”

Conor Nash

“Nashy had a really consistent year, we saw him play to his strengths. He is a 196cm mid who we wanted to play big this year, and he did just that. He had a great impact. His physicality around the contest not just with the ball, but without the ball was really strong. He is another who really drove the leadership of that young midfield group. He played every game this year. While his impact didn’t always show in terms of possession, his hunt and tackle was really important. With another really good summer into him, he should really progress further now that he understands what he’s capable of as a midfielder.”

Finn Maginness

“Finn’s back half of the year has been really strong. I think everyone – even rival clubs – know the job that he can do and once he forced himself into the side mid-year, some of the scalps he has taken have been really encouraging. Similar to Ned Long, he is a real professional who works hard and wants to get the best out of himself. Some of the roles he does for the team are really invaluable. If we continue to work on not only his defensive side of his game, which is really good, but his offensive output as well as a midfielder that will be the next progression for Finn. He always attacks the pre-season with good vigour, so I expect him to improve again next year.”

Ned Reeves

“Ned played 21 games this year which is really encouraging. He had a really good summer where he increased his fitness and running capacity. Towards the back end of the year, he played against some really good opponents, and he was able to hold his own. He should take great confidence out of that. He gave our midfielders first use most of the year, especially at centre bounces, which is really important. He’ll look to have another really good summer to improve that running base that he worked on last year. We’d like him to get a bit more aerial impact into his game, and kicking goals as another progression for him as a player. But I think his improvement for a young ruck was really good this year.”

Lloyd Meek

“Meeky played 16 games in his first year at the club, which is the most he would’ve played in a season for a while. His progression as a ruckman was really encouraging. I thought his ruck craft itself improved as the year went on. Some of the games he played in the VFL late in the year showed that he is more than capable of being too good for that level, so if we can continue to work on both him and Reeves having an impact as a forward and a ruckman, that will be the next step. Similar to Reeves, we’d like some more aerial impact around the ground. Lloyd’s biggest strength is his follow up and presence around the contest, so if we can build that in with some aerial presence as well. He also works hard and gives it 100 per cent effort, so that’s something we’ve been really happy with this year.”

Harry Morrison

“Harry had an interrupted pre-season, he came in into the senior side in Round 3, he played a good block before a period in the VFL mid-year. He then came back towards the end of the season, and his last six weeks were pretty solid. He consolidated his wing, he is a really good player in our defensive structure and he helps us with his communication. He also helped our young wingers like Josh Ward transition through. He is a really valuable leader in our midfield group with his direction and understanding. Harry will be looking to hopefully have an uninterrupted summer where he can build some good momentum going into next year.”

Josh Ward

“Wardy had an interrupted pre-season, so I’m excited for him to come back and be able to do a full summer next year. He has got a really good aerobic base to start off with. So if we can get four months of work into him, with that stoppage craft, to be able to use hit foot skills and running capacity as a midfielder will be important for us next year going forward. Now two years into the system, he’s played 30-odd games and has a really good understanding of what is required at the AFL level. Playing with those mids this year would’ve really opened his eyes to the level he needs to get to. He’s one that I’m really excited about. He’s a professional, he really wants to get better quickly, but the 30 games we have gotten into him is going to hold him in really good stead going forward.”

Cam Mackenzie

“In his first year in the system, Cam played 14 games. It is really good to have gotten games into those high draft picks early so they can understand what is required. With another good summer, Cam will take a lot out of the intensity, fitness and repeat effort things that good AFL midfielders possess. He’s another one that should be looking forward to a really good pre-season to show that he can build that base. His skillset with his decision-making and ball in hand is really strong.”

Cooper Stephens

“Cooper started the year where his pre-season was not too bad. He just had a little bit of inconsistency in his performances – he’d have a couple of games where he would play alright and then a down one – he just couldn’t string a run of games together. But I think his back half of the year in the VFL has been really good. The level of his performance and output has been at the level we’ve been looking for. We expect him to finish this VFL finals really strong, and comeback with a real mindset to be able to compete with the other guys that have been playing midfield this year.”

Ned Long

“It was good to see Longy play a few games this year – he’s had a variety of roles which probably hasn’t always helped him in terms of AFL level. But his effort, and his desire to get better and want to improve is something that is a stand-out with him when he comes into training every single day. His VFL form has been really strong this year, he really progressed from where he was last year as a midfielder at that level. He is consistently getting 25-30 touches at that level which is really strong. His pressure and intensity and ability to use his size to his advantage, similar to Nashy, has been a real progression for Longy. Similar to Stephens, we hope he can have a really good VFL finals program to set him up.”

Max Ramsden

“To see Rama play two games this year was a really good reward for a young key position player. When he initially came in, I think he was only 85kg. He’s got a really good running tank, one-on-one he has got a really good mark on him too, we’ve just got to continue to build his size and strength. His running power is strong, he just needs to use that more in the AFL games that he gets. Now that he has tasted that AFL experience, he should know what that level is against good quality ruckman or defenders.”

Henry Hustwaite

“To get the opportunity to play the last two games was a really good reward for Hus. He’ll take a lot out of playing against really good quality players, and understanding the level of output that is required, not just the handball and stoppage stuff, but how much they cover the ground and get to the next contest. Watching Hus come through the draft we saw his clean hands and footy smarts, and those were all the things we saw at AFL-level in his first game too. I’m looking forward to seeing him with another pre-season under his belt where he learns to improve his fitness base. The thing in his game that is really consistent is how clean he is at the stoppage. If we can get more contests for him to get to, his handballing skills and smarts will really set us up as a midfield group.”

Max Lynch

“Lynchy had a good summer and his early VFL form was really strong that he forced his way into the seniors. However unfortunately, things didn’t fall his way this year. But he has been a really great member of our group in the back half of this year, just in terms of morale, effort and love he brings to the playing group is really special. We wish Lynchy all the best in his next progression, it’s unfortunate it ended the way it had for him.”

Clay Tucker

“Clay was a mid-season pick and is still a bit raw in terms of his ruck standing. But his improvement in the back half of this year has been really strong. He also needs to have a good summer to get himself to the aerobic level where he is able to compete, week in, week out. But his actual ruck craft is pretty strong, and he’ll continue to develop his size and strength. He is someone we expect to push those other rucks of Reeves and Meek to continue to make sure they’re competitive. He’ll get to the level within the next 12-18 months, where he can hopefully push for selection as well, similar to Ramsden who played a couple of games this year.”

What Hale had to say about his first season as the midfield coach:

"I’ve really enjoyed working with the mids this year – most of them are 24 and under – I think they've shown great consistency this year, especially that core group of four or five who have played nearly every game together. I think all of them have taken their game to another level. Nashy is understanding what the AFL midfield is like, Jai is only 22 and continues to thrive, Worps is getting back to the form he showed a few years ago, and Daysy as a first-year mid has been really strong. While we’ve got those guys playing, we want to continue to integrate the likes of Ward, Mackenzie, Huswaite and Stephens into the mix so we’ve got a core 8-10 players at any stage can come and play. The inputs of Meeky and Reeves to give us first use has been really strong. To move up statistically in a lot of categories in the midfield has been pleasing. To see the work they did in the pre-season to translate that into the year is probably the most pleasing thing. We’ve got to a level that is respectable, now we need to continue to work harder to get better and better and really cement ourselves as a top-six midfield going forward. We’ve got the talent there, we just need to make sure they continue to improve week in, week out."