Box Hill Senior Coach Zane Littlejohn discussed the Round 16 game against Southport last weekend.

“A very disappointing day, we were just beaten in a lot of facets of the game,” Littlejohn said.  

“We didn't get in the fight early enough, and full credit of Southport, they came to play and what was a crucial game and taught us a lesson or two.

“We just weren't able to execute the way and what we needed to execute on the day, which was disappointing, because ultimately, we've been pretty good in that space, in trying to get our roles and our job done.

“And as a coach, you can sort of accept if you do your role and you do it well, and you get beaten, or you tip your hat to the opposition, but I thought we were just nowhere near our best and nowhere near the way perform the way we should have and were expecting.

“We look to bounce back this week and try and get back on playing the right way, regardless of result this week, we just want to make sure we play the right way.”

Littlejohn reviewed the individual performances of the AFL-listed Hawks and highlighted a few VFL players.

Finn Maginness

“Effort wise, was it was great all day, worked really hard, found a bit more of the footy. Would have loved to have used it better than he did. He's only used to the 52% from his 27 disposals, and only four of those resulting in a score. But effort wise, we can't fault Finn's effort in that space. Got a cork late in the game and continue to push out and play the game out.”

Henry Hustwaite

“23 again, his execution going at 61%, but Henry found a footy around clearance. Probably got hurt a little bit on transition, but his weapon is his ability to win the ball around clearance and give us first use there. And he's working really hard in in that space around his stoppage craft. So we're seeing some growth there for him.”

Josh Bennetts

“Josh Bennetts was probably arguably one of our best players on the day. His work rate, as he's been known for now was first class. From his 14 kicks, six of them were ineffective, which is probably the area that we need to continue to work on, just making sure that when he gets his opportunities, making everything count. Four tackles, which is an area of his game he's been working on really well. And from his 21, eight of them result in a score o a really pleasing return from him. And he's working really hard to really fine tune the intricacies of his game now, so, but a really solid performance and consistent performance, again from JB.”

Seamus Mitchell

“Seamus Mitchell just defensively was off unfortunately, across the day, just didn't quite get his job done early in the game. I thought the third quarter, Seamus, Josh Bennetts, Bailey McDonald, were probably the three, along with Jai Serong, who really got us back into the game. We had a shot to go 15 points down, we missed it, so just didn't quite get it done. But those four players I mentioned were probably the key aspects to getting back in the game in the third quarter, but yeah, Seamus defensive aspects weren't at the standard that he would expect and we've spoken about that through the week, and we'll look for solid improvement in that area. But offensively, as I mentioned, the third quarter provided some good run, was able to get some inside 50s off the back of that and give us some good looks forward.”

Jai Serong

“Jai Serong I thought was probably our best player, only 19 but defended the ground really solidly would have had, would have liked to have used the ball a bit better. Again, he's had six ineffective kicks from his 16 kicks so and only gone a 68%. But his effort and his ability to work really hard defensively and help get us organized in those facets, were solid, and his growth now is to be a real leader amongst the VFL group and get others to come along with him.”

Bodie Ryan

“Bod’s is probably one who did use the ball well on the day, he's got 94% but from his 17 disposals, none of them have resulted in a score in any facet. So offensively, found the footy, used it well effectively, but just not resulting in scores and defensively was off as well across the whole day, defenders just weren't all lines weren't, but defenders didn't defend how they would have like to.”

Bailey Macdonald

“As I mentioned, I thought in the third quarter was a bit of a spark and got us going and really provided some energy on the ball. But again, didn't defend how he would have liked and how we expect from our defenders. We try and drive AFL standard and our defenders, with Bailey being one of those. Just didn't defend how we would have liked, but the pleasing thing was, I thought the spark he gave us in the third quarter was really pleasing.”

Cooper Stephens

“So Coop played three quarters and was really solid actually, his d1 pressure around the contest was great. Probably got done a little bit with our balance around contest inside and outside, but his work rate and that was quite pleasing. You know, he's finished with 16, two tackles, he’s had his four clearances and five of those from his 16 have resulted in a score, so we're getting some good efficiency from him off the back of that.”

Jack O'Sullivan

“Jack O'Sullivan had a thereabouts gut game. What we love with Jack is his effort. He always tries hard, but sometimes, when the scoreboards against you, what's quite common is players can over try and try too hard, and that's probably what we saw from Jack at times, and we love that from the young man, but he's just got to find the balance of just getting back to doing his role and being really consistent in that when the games not going our way. Because if everyone tries too hard and goes effectively outside of what's predictable to each other, then everyone's not on the same page. So, look pleasing for Jack is we started to set a little bit more pressure, laid four tackles hit the scoreboard, so yeah, pleasing result.”

Max Ramsden

“Not a great day for Max, probably spent more time in the ruck then we first anticipated, but controlled the back half of the ground pretty well when he was in the ruck and helped a little bit with transition. But just not the influence and the output we would love from Max in that space. Just the two marks, none of those contested, and just the two kicks. So yeah, Max will work hard to continue to make sure he can get back to playing his best footy and having an influence across the whole ground.”

Ethan Phillips

“As one of our key defenders, probably got beat, probably got beaten on the day, and just got caught out a little bit with some positioning stuff. But ultimately, what we love about Easy is he doesn't lack his communication, so we could hear him, the coaches and his teammates could really hear him, trying to direct and communicate, but just didn't quite get it done for us across the whole game.”

Denver Grainger-Barras

“So Denver, like all our defenders, we just didn't get our job done. We were beaten by the Southport forwards, their work rate and their energy to provide options in offense and be dangerous, beat us, and that was the same with Denver's opponent. Denver's had the nine disposals at 56% we did swing him forward late in the game, he was able to hit the scoreboard and provide some good energy. But ideally, we would like not to have to do that and leave Denver to play his role there. But we thought Denver could kick as a goal and help us win the game, but unfortunately, didn't quite happen.”

Ned Reeves

“So Noodle, only the 30 hitouts this week from Noodle. It was good to see him get forward and take some marks and hit the scoreboard, but was beaten early in the game, and unfortunately that Braden Crosby, who was a state Ruckman this year in the in the VFL team, really set himself to beat Noodle, and I thought really gave them first use of the ball and gave them great ascendancy around the footy early in the game. And we really needed to make sure we were ready to go, especially on the road you want to start well, and we weren't able to do that. But what I did love is his ability, just to try and grind his way on, probably his last quarter or third quarter, his last half, the second half was arguably his best footy for the day.”

Will McCabe

“So yeah, second game blues for Will, he played two-and a-bit quarters, but because we were under the pump so much, we weren't able to see his offensive flare that we were able to see in game one. So, he got some area areas to continue to work on around his team D and his defence, but he's working really hard with Andy Collins and Kade Simpson around that sort of area and I'm sure we'll see him bounce back. Just good for him to get through another game of footy and get some more footy under his belt.”

Clay Tucker

“Tuck probably spent more we spent more time forward, and he’s got to continue to work on that forward craft when we've got Max, Noodle and Clay, there's obviously going to be time we got to spend forward, so he's got to make sure he continues to work on that forward craft, which I know he will do, and continue to grow. So yeah, not a huge influence on the game, from Tuck his seven head outs three disposals. So he'll continue to work on all aspects around his ruck craft and also his forward craft and being competitive all the time and having real strong body language.”

… And a couple shout-outs this week for our Box Hill players

Andre Stefanakis

“So only the eight disposals but kicked two goals. Thing what we're working with Dre is how he can be involved in the team on both sides of the ball, both offense and defence. And you know, he's laid his three tackles, taking his five marks so his work rate, the ability to provide options is pleasing, but working really hard on both sides of the ball, Returned aside, hit the scoreboard, was really pleasing for Dre.

Ned Maginness

“So really nice story from the day, and a positive story was Ned and Finn were able to play their first game of footy ever together. So Ned got the call up this week, we saw a really valuable role for Ned to come in and on a bigger ground and play through the wings for us and help us in that aspect. And had some really solid contests Ned, without being outstanding, but it was just really pleasing for our Box Hill program to provide the opportunity for Ned and Finn to play their first ever game. Great to have their parents there to watch and see that. And it's something that will stick together with the boys forever, and you know, they'll always better say they got to place a footy together, which is, I'm sure a lot of people out there will understand how great that is. So, shout out to Neddy McGuinness.”