A Hawks Marvel Potato bag

Amongst the steady steam of visitors in recent months Wynn Wood and her fellow Hawk friends, Marie Garland, Pauline Williams, Hilary McKlin and Helen Burgess were excited to donate to the Club Collection something they thought the museum may not have, they were right, the item a plastic Marvel potato bag in Hawthorn’s club colours.

The Marvel Potato bag originally belonged to Wynn’s friend Mrs Fisher, long time Hawks fan that used the bag to store her spare balls of wool for her knitting.

The Marvel potato bags came in club colours with a pennant printed on the bag with the name of the team’s mascot, in Hawthorns case, the Hawks.  Printed instructions were provided with the bag for supporters to cut the pennant out then joined to a stick ready to wave at the footy.  

If anyone can provide more information on the Marvel Potato football bags please contact the Hawks Museum.

A hand knitted HFC supporters jumper from the late 1960’s

During the recent school holidays when Cameron Clarke brought his children, Emily, Mitchell and Liam to the museum to learn more about the Hawks, he donated a wonderful hand knitted Hawks supporters jumper with the popular image of the Hawk carrying a football from the 1960’s. 

Before the recent and current popular trend of wearing commercially produced player guernseys to the footy, many a young fan wore these finely crafted jumpers knitted by mums, grandmothers or friends to ensure their offspring supported their team. 

If anyone has similar homemade supporter clothing, the Hawks Museum is planning an exhibition of such material and would be very interested in hearing from anyone who could help.

Cameron is to be thanked also of the number of framed posters and Club Members scarves that he donated as well.