GRANT Birchall hasn’t had much experience in the cut andthrust of finals. A couple of losing Grand Finals for Devonport in theTasmanian junior system is the extent of his September achievements so far.

But all that is going to change now that he is an integralpart of a Hawthorn side that booked its finals ticket last week.

“It’s nice knowing that we’re playing finals,” Birchall saidafter the big win over the Bulldogs. “It’s the first time in a while and we’rereally looking forward to it.”

Birchall is in only his second year at Hawthorn but says hedraws inspiration from the veterans who haven’t played finals since 2001.

“They’ve been hanging out for it. It’s great seeing blokeslike Vanders, Crawf and Dicko get another chance at finals,” he said.

“I think we’ve got the self-belief.”

Birchall has wasted no time in establishing himself in theHawthorn side. His run and kicking off half-back and through the middle hasbecome a vital ingredient in the Hawks’ make up.

“I’m really feeling a part of it. This year I just wanted toconsolidate my spot in the side and continue to improve. I’ve really beenenjoying it.”

Birchall says much of the Hawks’ success can be attributedto a midfield packed to the brim with players who thrive on winning the hardball.

“We pride ourselves on our hardness at the footy. Mitch,Sewelly and Hodgey lead the way in that area. It builds up the confidence ofthe blokes around them.”

“Hodgey’s probably one of the best players in thecompetition. He’s a great leader.”