WE KICKED off our Telstra AFL Community Camp in Tasmania on Tuesday and it's great to be back here again even though the weather isn't really playing the game right now.

We've been coming to Tassie for our camps for nearly 10 years now and the boys always look forward to it.

We know what's expected of us and while we do take part in a lot of different activities, the guys generally find it's a refreshing mental break from the pre-season routine with games just around the corner.

It didn't get off to the greatest start though with a short flight delay out of Melbourne and then the wet weather meant the plane had to have a second try at landing in Hobart.

Clinton Young is not a great fan of flying and when we started to climb again instead of landing it's fair to say he was more than a little bit concerned.

As in previous years we've split the playing list into smaller groups that are based mainly in Launceston, Hobart and Devenport this time around. 

There are a couple of groups in Hobart and ours had a get together with a few Tassie sponsors to start the day that I think both parties found rewarding.

We exchanged ideas about things like implementing winning cultures and showing strong leadership and I think people on both sides made some really good points.

Unfortunately the weather also had an impact on our afternoon with a planned footy clinic and fun day rained out.

We still went out to Kingborough and met the kids, but we had to settle for a photo and autograph session instead. They still seemed to have fun though, which was great.

Our evening will be taken up with the fundraiser launch of the Leukemia Foundation's World's Greatest Shave which is a really great cause and then I'm hitting the sack early to get ready for another big day tomorrow.

I'm still getting my bearings on Twitter, but I'm going to use this opportunity to try and Tweet a bit more frequently about what we're up to so look out for me @BrendanWhiteX.