Hawthorn Football Club and beyondblue encourage everyone to talk about the symptoms of depression and anxiety during Mental Health Week (7-13 October).

Depression and anxiety can affect anyone at any time and, often those suffering refuse to speak about their feeling because they're worried about what others will think.

During Mental Health Week (7-13 October), beyondblue is encouraging everyone - individuals, community groups, sporting clubs and workplaces, to talk about depression and anxiety.

beyondblue CEO Kate Carnell AO said sometimes, the simplest acts have the greatest impact - just talking openly about the symptoms of depression and anxiety can help reduce the embarrassment people often feel about having these conditions.

If people know what to look for, they can help themselves or someone else who may be having a tough time.

“Hawthorn members have always been great supporters of beyondblue and we would appreciate your help to continue raising awareness of depression and anxiety in your community,” Ms Carnell said.

“There are some great ways to start the discussion in your workplace, school or sporting team.

“You could organise a blue-themed dress day, hold a morning or afternoon tea or organise a special awareness raising event, forum or presentation - and challenge your friends or work colleagues to identify six symptoms of anxiety and/or depression and perhaps name three ways to help someone.  

“There is a downloadable guide on the beyondblue website on ‘How to organise a public forum on depression and anxiety’, which is a great starting point for running an event. And you can download or order symptom checklists and fact sheets on how to help someone.

“You could also get workmates or teammates to complete the quick and free online Workplace Mental Health Awareness e-learning Program. It only takes 20 minutes and the easy-to-use format allows the user to explore the content at their own pace."

Visit the Mental Health Week page on the beyondblue website to download posters, email signatures and wallpaper for your computer desktop.

Don’t forget that all of beyondblue’s resources can be ordered for free by visiting beyondblue.org.au/resources or by phoning the information line on 1300 22 46 36.

The theme for Mental Health Week 2012 is ‘What do you really know about depression and anxiety?’