The Hawks are in Tasmania this week as part of their Australia Post AFL Community Camp.

Hawks players met with people from all walks of life all across the great state of Tasmania and enjoyed many different activities.


Hobart A

Our first morning in Hobart began with a hip-shaking Zumba class at the University of Tasmania where the players were upstaged on the dance floor by approximately 40 members of the Sports Ability program, an exciting and inclusive games program developed by the Australian Sports Commission. Several other activities in the gymnasium followed, including a bean bag toss and penalty goal kick. The players enjoyed being involved in a fantastic program, which provides those with a disability to show off their skills and be included in physical activity in a very safe and supportive environment.

"Walk with a Hawk" saw 16 players mingle with Hawks fans as they embarked on a leisurely stroll from The Grove Reserve to Foreshore road, Glenorchy. The new recreational facilities were fantastic to see alongside the amazing backdrop of Elwick Bay.

At the conclusion of the walk the players participated in a number of activities with around 200 Hawks faithful. Fans showed off their cricket, soccer and netball skills with Hawks stars Lance Franklin and Luke Hodge and finished off a great afternoon with a signing session.

Paul Puopolo enjoys the Zumba class at the University of Tasmania.

Players enjoy competing in the bean bag toss.

Hobart B

The Hobart B group began with a visit to Special Olympics Tasmania (SOT) in Cornelian Bay. The not-for-profit organisation aims to transform the lives of those with an intellectual disability via regular sports participation. Eight Hawks players, including Lance Franklin, Brad Sewell and Liam Shiels were lucky enough to be part of a one hour carnival. Activities included soccer, basketball and softball drills with the SOT athletes, who assumed coaching duties and helped the Hawks through each game (with the wonderful help of group leader Lennon).  

In the afternoon the group joined Hobart A to take part in the 'Walk With a Hawk' event at Glenorchy. Around 200 Hawks supporters took a trip along the boardwalk with their favourite players such as Luke Hodge, Lance Franklin, Chance Bateman and, Michael Osborne. The walk concluded at Glenorchy Park, where the players showed their skills in a handful of other sports, taking on Tassie kids at netball, cricket, soccer and hockey to name a few. Thankfully, the weather held out for a signing session, which spelled the end of the event - and a fun first day for the Hobart B group.

Liam Shiels wicketkeeps for a young Hawks fan at the Walk With A Walk event in Glenorchy.

Bradley Hill defends the goals against a Special Olympics Athlete at a sports carnival yesterday.

Launceston A

A beautiful summer's day met the group in Launceston as the players headed to Sandhill Aged Care facility to meet, chat and enjoy a morning exercise and games with residents.

The group then met at Cataract Gorge for some rock climbing with kids from Thyne House, an Anglicare initiative that provides a residential facility for vulnerable youth.
The players enjoyed the experience as much as the youth with the activity providing an opportunity to develop trust and leadership skills.

David Hale meets 92 year old Dulcie McCormack at Sandhill Aged Care facility.

Players and residents of Thyne House at the Gorge after their rock climing expedition.

Launceston B

The Hawks crew landed in Launceston and headed straight to their first activity, interacting with clients from Able Australia at Aurora Stadium. The morning involved soccer, cricket, totem tennis and various other social activities.

Following, the group travelled to Waverley to play laser tag with participants of the Guaranteeing Futures program, which assists youths who have been through the youth justice system.

The afternoon saw the two Launceston groups meet at Royal Park for 'Walk With a Hawk'. Local residents walked the 5km track, including the new boardwalk on the river to promote physical activity. The group participated in activities facilitated by the Heart Foundation, which illustrated simple and easy ways to keep active.

Brent Guerra and Brendan Whitecross then attended the season launch for new club affiliate, the Northern Hawks Netball Club. The two players presented the team with their 2012 netball dresses in the same format as the traditional jumper presentation in football. The Club wishes the Northern Hawks all the best for the upcoming season.

Max  Bailey and some young fans on the boardwalk.

Derick Wanganeen walks the boardwalk on the river at Walk with a Hawk.


Day one of the Hawks visit to Burnie began at the community house with many families there to greet the players. Rising Hawks star Isaac Smith, equipped with a megaphone organised tug of war competitions. Smith also had fun convincing team mates Ben Stratton and Luke Lowden to compete in sack races.

Sam Mitchell was busy playing totem tennis against the kids, while Shaun Burgoyne, Angus Litherland, Clinton Young, Matt Suckling and Alex Woodward had a hit of cricket.

After lunch the group consisting of nine players travelled to Ulverstone to join in the activities at Camp Clayton with children from Spraoi Child Care where everyone tried their hand at the flying fox, archery, mini golf and trampolines.

The boys also tested their teamwork at Camp Clayton in a challenge that required the group to get from one end of an obstacle course to the other using planks of wood while carrying a play-patient on a stretcher. The children watched on and discussed team tactics and how well the players were communicating with each other. 10 points were taken off the players' score each time someone touched the ground or were neglecting their patient.

The day ended with a scenic walk along the Somerset beach for 'Walk with a Hawk'. Ben Stratton, Luke Lowden, Angus Litherland and Matt Suckling led the walk from Anzac park with an army of Hawks supporters in tow. The Warratah-Wynyard Council supplied a delicious barbeque and everyone finished the day with a hit of cricket.

All players with some kids at the Burnie community house.

Luke Lowden and Shaun Burgoyne assisting their team in the tug of war.

Pets were optional - Luke Lowden with his companion on the walk.